KASPAR HAMACHER is a designer born and based in the forest-rich regions of South Belgium. Considering himself more of a craftsman than a designer, his focus lies resolutely on physical rather than conceptual design. His work carved, burned and chiseled to fit into an interstitial space between nature and culture.
Hamacher draws inspiration from nature, honouring his upbringing in the natural environment, where he learned to understand and respect trees’ life cycles under the guidance of his forest ranger father. Working with wood became his way of protecting and adding value to this precious resource.
Influenced by great sculptors like Michelangelo and Constantin BrĂ¢ncusi, Hamacher’s design journey started as an autodidact, blending his aspirations as a sculptor, carpentry skills, and product design education. His design process always results in personal, soulful pieces that reflect the authenticity and profound connection he shares with his materials.